Counseling means hope.
Improving Family Relationships through a Divorce
Divorce is extremely stressful. Not only for you, as the parents of the family, but also for your children. You will feel many emotions as you have the conversations and work out new routines that come with a separation. Your children my feel anger, resentment, and frustration through this time. However, there are ways to build on these challenges so that your family relationships become stronger on the other side of the divorce.
Decide on a plan of action with your ex and present it to your kids together. Then stick to it! If something is not working out, regroup and find a better way. Consistency between the rules and routines of both homes is important for establishing stability and reliability. If your children feel their homes are stable, they will better be able to work through their own emotions and grief. FamilyMeans offers counseling for you and your ex to help come up with this plan of action and provide support as you discuss the separation with your children.
Communicate. Have age appropriate conversations with your children about what is going on. Be honest about the changes that your family is experiencing. Ask them how it makes them feel, what you can do to help, and offer the use of therapeutic support through counseling.
Take care of yourself so that you can better support your children. Your physical and mental health are so important in the ability to take care of your kids.
Understand that this is tough. Some days will be harder than others. Research shows that it takes an average of two years for children to adjust to a divorce. Be patient with yourself and your children. In the end, your relationships with your children will grow stronger than ever.
Find extra support through FamilyMeans Counseling & Therapy with individual, couple, and family counseling. Learn more at FamilyMeans.org or 651-439-4840.