Certified Housing Counselors Are Ready to Help you! 

"I am looking to purchase a home.. but I have no idea where to start!"

"I don't make enough money to afford the nice apartments, will I be able to afford anything?

"I just purchased my home and my furnace quit.. how am I going to pay my mortgage and fix my furnace?"

Do any of these situations sound like you? If you answered yes, we can help! FamilyMeans Financial Solutions offers Housing Counseling. We understand that purchasing or renting your home is not an easy task. Our certified counselors are here to help you get on the right path and stay on the right path to housing stability in your life. 

What is a housing counselor?

 Housing counselors offer tools and education to support individuals through homebuying, renting, post purchase, and general home financial needs. Our housing counselors are here to help you through all stages of home buying/renting at little to no cost.

Services We Offer:

Pre-Purchase Homebuyer Workshop "Make Your Move" (Education Online Only) ($50)

This 6 hour online course designed to walk you through all the stages of the homebuying process. Upon completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate of completion and may need this for some home-buyer assistance programs. Topics covered include:

  • Preparing for homeownership
  • Budgeting and money management 
  • Types of loans 
  • Purchase procedures 
  • Down payment assistance                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Click here to visit the course.


Pre-Purchase Counseling (Individual Counseling Appointment)

We offer pre-purchase counseling for those that desire one-on-one attention and a deeper dive into their housing concerns. Some clients may have already attended the home-buyer workshop, "Make Your Move". In a counseling session:

  • You'll receive comprehensive pre-purchase counseling from a certified housing counselor 
  • An individual budget and debt analysis, unique to your situation
  • If applicable, Certificates of Completion are issued as required by specific down-payment assistance programs once education and/or counseling is completed

Rental Counseling 

Counseling will include budget and debt counseling for those not seeking to own. The Action Plan may include, but not limited to: catching up rental payments, moving to a different (more affordable) rental, or other housing options. Referrals to low rent housing may be made. 

Resources for Renters:

Post-Purchase Housing Counseling

Post-Purchase counseling is offered for consumers who have recently purchased a home and are faced with budgeting and debt concerns which may threaten their ability to sustain their mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc. This session will include an individualized budget and debt counseling session as well as:

  • Routine maintenance and repairs
  • Maintenance schedule
  • Home safety and emergency preparedness
  • Home improvement and financing options 
  • Avoiding foreclosure and default options 


Let us help!! Click Request Housing Counseling for a FREE, no obligation review.

Request Housing Counseling CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION!