Volunteering Financial Benefits

For those who are interested in volunteering 450 hours a year or more, financial benefits are available in addition to the personal satisfaction of helping in the community.  The main service is providing respite (companionship and safety supervision) for caregiving families of all ages. In addition, volunteers meet monthly and develop meaningful relationships among the group members.  There are several options:


Senior Corps LogoSenior Corps

  • Serve about 15 hours a week
  • Payment based on number of hours served
  • Mileage and meal reimbursement
  • Paid time off


Boomer Corps

  • Born in 1964 or earlier
  • Serve about 10 hours a week
  • Payment based on number of hours served
  • Mileage and meal reimbursement
  • Paid time off


For more information, contact Dan Bohnker at 651-789-4055 or dbohnker@familymeans.org