Counseling means hope.
School-Based Mental Health
Appointment FAQ
How do I know if my child's school participates in the school-based mental health program?
FamilyMeans partners with 4 school districts and provides therapy within many, but not all the buildings in those 4 districts. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, school counselor or advocate to ensure FamilyMeans is the provider in that building.
Is my child a good candidate for school-based mental health programming?
Children and teens are good candidates for our school-based mental health programming if they are experiencing any mental health symptoms that are disrupting their daily activities such as schoolwork, friendships, relationships at home, sleep, etc. Common concerns are around stress, anxiety, depression, sleep trouble, concentration issues, relationship stressors, trauma, eating concerns, social issues and many more. Our clinicians are highly trained in a variety of areas to ensure the best quality of care is given.
Families who may have difficulty getting to outside appointments are also good candidates for this program because it is delivered to students where they are learning.
Clinician availability fills quickly; often there is a wait to get in to begin therapy. At which time, priority is given to those families who struggle to get to outside appointments. Both clinician and school staff will work with families to make the best choice in treatment options.
How long does a therapy take?
Clinicians typically schedule 45-50 minutes for each session. At the beginning of therapy, the clinician typically will want to start with weekly sessions so as to begin assessment and start making progress quickly for your family. As time, and progress is made, sessions may move to every other week until goals are completed. Overall, therapy can take a few sessions up to many months; depending on what needs are being addressed and how quickly progress is made with goals.
How do I schedule an appointment for a school-based mental health session?
To schedule an appointment, you may contact your child's school counselor, who will then fill out a referral form, or you may submit an online appointment request. We make every effort to return requests within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.
What can I expect at my counseling appointment?
First Appointment
A FamilyMeans Intake Coordinator will email you a link to complete intake paperwork.
Please make sure to complete the necessary paperwork PRIOR to your appointment.
This is needed to verify insurance to ensure coverage.
If there are reasons you are unable to complete paperwork prior to the appointment, please let the intake coordinator know, and your school-based clinician can help you to complete them during the first appointment.
Click buttons below to view paperwork.
For the first appointment, clinicians encourage parents to participate as much as possible. If you are able to attend, this will take place in your child's school building. You will need to check in at the school's front desk and indicate you are there for an appointment with FamilyMeans. The clinician will meet you and your child in their office at the school.
How does my child get to sessions at school?
At the elementary level, clinicians will pick-up/drop-off your child at their classroom. At the middle and high school level, clinicians will send a pass for your child to come to their office.
How does virtual telehealth therapy work?
Telehealth sessions are sessions conducted online; very similar to FaceTime or Skype. Clinicians are required to use a HIPAA compliant website or app to provide sessions. Unfortunately, FaceTime and Skype are not HIPAA compliant. FamilyMeans clinicians currently are using Doxy.me or Elevate to provide virtual sessions.
Prior to your child’s appointment, the clinician will send you a link for the meeting. At the appointment time, you will click on the link and wait for your clinician to admit you into their virtual room. You and/or your child, will then talk with the clinician, just like in an in-person session. Once the session is complete, you may schedule your next appointment with the clinician and then end the call.
Once children and teens return to school you may work with your clinician on when and how best to have in-person sessions. Each building, clinician, and family’s needs are going to be different. FamilyMeans clinicians and school staff will be flexible and accommodating to make continuation of therapy as easy as possible. Sessions may happen whether students are in-person at school or learning remotely.
Whenever virtual telehealth therapy is provided for a minor an adult must be present (in the home or in the school building) in case of emergency – the clinician must have the phone contact information of that adult to get a hold of in those situations. Clinicians will verify there is an adult present, as well as location (for billing purposes).
How are ongoing appointments scheduled?
The clinician will work with you and your child to decide how often sessions should occur and how often parent/guardian participation is needed. Clinicians may then schedule ongoing appointments with your child's teacher so as to make as little disruptions to their schedule as possible.
What if my child is sick, or out of school on a day that they normally have therapy?
If you know that your child is going to be out on a regularly scheduled therapy day, please contact their clinician directly to inform them. The school can also inform the clinician if needed.
How do I communicate with my child's clinician?
Once therapy has been initiated, the clinician assigned to the building will be available through email and phone. The clinician will share their contact information with you during your first session. Our clinicians welcome communication from parents and encourage your participation in sessions. If you have any questions, or concerns, please reach out directly to your child's clinician.
How much does counseling cost at FamilyMeans?
We accept most insurances and Medicare (limited providers). It is the clients responsibility to contact their insurance to obtain benefit and coverage information.
Our initial intake fee is $175.00
Our ongoing session fee is $150.00
Will my counseling sessions be covered by health insurance?
FamilyMeans is in-network with most major insurance companies, but clients are encouraged to check that a particular therapist is covered in-network.
FamilyMeans offers a sliding fee based on income for those without insurance.
How can I make payments for counseling?
For school-based sessions, FamilyMeans requests payments once you receive your monthly statement. We will work with you to make the financial aspect of counseling non-burdensome. You may reach out to our billing staff who can set you up on a plan that fits your life circumstances.
We accept cash, credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) and checks.
We also offer an online portal system – please reach out to our billing staff to get started.
Billing Information
Our Billing Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Email: mhbilling@familymeans.org