Better is Possible.
Partnerships with Local Organizations
Several local organizations champion FamilyMeans through various fundraising efforts during the year. This provides opportunities for individuals in the community to encounter FamilyMeans and give in different ways. FamilyMeans is fortunate to have these longstanding business relationships and we thank you for supporting the generosity of these local businesses.
Kowalski’s Groceries for Good Causes: Please place your receipts in the FamilyMeans box as you exit the Oak Park Heights Kowalski’s. At the end of each quarter the total number of receipts in each box is counted and a donation is made based on the number of receipts.
River Market Community Co-op: Each month, River Market Community Co-op chooses a local organization or non-profit to donate funds to. Be on the look out to see what month FamilyMeans is the chosen organization!
Stillwater Motors: Each November and early December, Stillwater Motors promotes a toy drive to collect holiday gifts for our Youth Development participants (ages 5-18.)
Valley Bookseller: Visit this favorite downtown shop to participate in its Book Angel Tree to provide reading material for our Youth Development participants (ages 5-18).