February 2023 Agency Newsletter
We have had a very busy winter here so far at FamilyMeans! We welcomed 2023, which means all year we will be celebrating our agency’s 60th Anniversary!
We have had a very busy winter here so far at FamilyMeans! We welcomed 2023, which means all year we will be celebrating our agency’s 60th Anniversary!
We have just had a season of YES.
Yes to family & friends visiting, YES to buying gifts, YES to eating more, YES to staying up later than usual and YES to changing…
News from the FamilyMeans DMP Team! Fun activities while sticking to a budget, financial readiness for back to school, and planning for holiday expenses.
Better is Possible fundraiser, telehealth benefits for mental health counseling, advice on tax prep and refunds, and more!
Happy New Year from our Caregiving & Aging team! Read about new staff, caregiver education and more!