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Caregiving & Aging November 2021 Newsletter

Caregiving & Aging November 2021 Newsletter

Nov 05, 2021

Newsletter, Caregiving & Aging


How to celebrate?

TAKE a moment to congratulate yourself  for being a caregiver.  CALL and thank a family caregiver you know.  FIND time for a nap.  ASK for help from a neighbor or friend.  OPEN up to your family about assisting.   JOIN a caregiver support group.   CONTACT a good friend to chat.  ENROLL in an online health class.  WRITE three reasons being a caregiver is meaningful for you. HUG the person you are caregiving.  MAKE  that delayed doctor appointment for yourself.  SPEND an afternoon with a family member to give a caregiver a break.   HELP assemble a memory book or photo book for a family member.   SHARE your talents with finance, cooking or organizing for a caregiver.   REMEMBER that you may be the caregiver or care receiver someday.  TALK to  Caregiving & Aging staff at FamilyMeans to help relieve stress.  LIVE IN THE MOMENT.



53 Million Caregivers: 39% Men 61% Women
61% Still work 26% Have difficulty coordinating care
24% Are caregiving for more than one person 23% Report Health Problems of their own
45% Have had at least one financial impact AARP & Nat’l Alliance on Caregiving, 2020


Traveling with a Diagnosis Education

Community Connection Its a wonderful life     NovDec Caregiver Support GroupsMemory Minder Kits    Memory Cafe