Seeking Purpose in Life
FamilyMeans lost a strong advocate and leader in Arba-Della Beck, recently retired FamilyMeans president, with her passing this June. She created a legacy of service for thousands of local families through FamilyMeans. We thank her for leaving such a strong example of how purpose and mission can be a guiding force in life.
Many people find purpose through their work and some find it in the activities and people that surround them outside of work. Some lucky individuals can even find a new sense of purpose after retirement. A more difficult challenge is to find a sense of purpose while we manage chronic conditions or live with dementia. Caregiving can offer purpose, yet we can find ourselves lost when that focus changes or we are overwhelmed.
Shirley Musich and her team of researchers in their journal article, Purpose in Life and Positive Health Outcomes, studied how PIL or Purpose in Life “is strongly associated with improved mental and physical health outcomes among older adults.” She continues to talk about how purpose gives more access to social and active opportunities and helps to
build a person’s resilience for unexpected ups and downs. This can be beneficial at any age.
Purpose can be as simple as setting personal goals in your life and working diligently to chip away at them. We use a tool in our individual dementia empowerment consultations and our new Welcome Mat Wellness program. The tool we use is called the COPM (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure). The COPM is a person-centered interview to ask a person of any age to look at various aspects of daily life that may not be going as well as they’d like.
The COPM helps pinpoint personal goals, then allows you to rank the importance of your goals. Welcome Mat Wellness brings together use of the COPM and guidance to select exercise and health options that fit what you need. We also provide encouragement and follow-up for your wellness goals right in your own home.
If you have questions about this process or how Welcome Mat Wellness can help you as a person with early-stage dementia, as a caregiver, or as an older adult pursuing wellness strategies, please contact or call 651-789-4017
Caregiver Support Groups
In-Person Caregiver Support Groups:
Morning 10 to 11 a.m. at FamilyMeans
July 13 & 27, August 10 & 24
In- person limited to 10 attendees at this time.
Virtual Caregiver Support Groups:
Morning 10 to 11 a.m. July 7 & 21, August 4 & 18
Evening 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. July 21 & August 18
Please register for a computer link.
Please contact Deb Newton for information and to register for a Caregiver Support Group: or 651-789-4046
Caregiving & Aging has both virtual and in-person options for services.
Your accessibility and safety are of utmost importance to us.
Please know that we have health measures in place and will ask you to sign releases for in-person service. Please contact us with questions or concerns.
Caregiver Education Event
Driving: How to Make an Informed Decision
Wednesday, August 11
In-person education event at FamilyMeans Stillwater Location. Make sure to sign-up for this important presentation.
Journey Together
July 18 & 26
August 23 & 30
A social/support group for persons with MCI or early–stage dementia. Topics planned by group members. We welcome new attendees! Two meetings each month via Zoom.
Save the Date:
Shaping Your Tomorrow:
10-week series starts September 14
Shaping Your Tomorrow is designed to meet the needs of both the person with memory loss and a family member or friend. Each week introduces a specific topic for education, planning for the future, and learning from others on a similar journey. Interview and pre-registration required.