Spring is Here
The sun is out, but why don’t I feel any better?
We are used to changing seasons. With the new growth of flowers, leaves and warmer sunshine, we assume our mood will also rise and bloom. However, if you are a caregiver or a person experiencing dementia or a chronic disease you may not feel that Spring enthusiasm. Instead of feeling joy and anticipation it may feel like a heavy weight. If you are experiencing this, you are not alone.
COVID 19 vaccinations are allowing more opportunities to see people and go out in the community, there is a hint of hope in the air. However, caregiving for someone or being the person who is experiencing and living with disease can be all consuming. Often people who have feelings of depression have been told to just ‘snap out of it,’ but may have difficulty doing just that. Lack of sleep can contribute to this feeling of negativity or depression.
We are taught to ‘pull ourselves up by our bootstraps’ and keep going no matter what happens, through ‘thick and thin.’ We are tough, we are resilient, but at the same time we may also feel isolation, despair, anger and hopelessness. It takes toughness to admit it to a counselor, a doctor or a loved one, especially if this negative feeling has been with you for some time.
FamilyMeans Caregiving & Aging can provide a first step, a helping hand, a private ear for you. You may choose to find support through our small caregiver support groups, one to one private coaching or caregiver education to give you a strong supportive foundation. We have also added the same supports for people who have just been diagnosed or are experiencing early-stage dementia. We are here for you through the ‘thick and thin.’
Flowers grow out of dark moments. -Corita Kent
Meet Our New Staff Member - Deb Newton
We are happy to announce Deb Newton joined our Caregiving & Aging team in March 2021. As a social worker, Deb will focus on coaching and consultation, facilitating support groups, and education. She holds a BS in Social Work from Winona State University and has previous experience supporting clients with memory loss and their caregivers. She also has held positions in behavioral health and senior housing. Welcome, Deb!
University of Minnesota’s
June 5th, 8:00 AM -4:30 PM VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Join experts in a lively, informative discussion related to memory loss, caregiving tips, and what you can do to help. The goal of this conference is to provide information, support, and education for adult children, spouses, parents, health and community care providers, and others concerned with caring for people with memory loss. The Caring for People with Memory Loss Conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Community Connection
For persons with memory loss and early stage dementia to continue to experience the community & find connection.
Two Upcoming Sessions
- GROWING & STROLLING: May 18-June 8
- TIMECAPSULES: June 22-July 20
Via Zoom & One in-person day
Please contact Heidi Ricks for more information, or to sign-up for an event!
hricks@familymeans.org or 651-789-4017