Ryan Kilibarda age 16, is in 10th grade at Stillwater Area High School. He is a new member of the National Honor Society, and participates in many extra curricular activities including track, cross country, alpine ski, and of course, volunteer work.
Ryan has been a FamilyMeans Respite Volunteer for the Caregiving & Aging program for three years now. He started his volunteer role at the age of 13 and his mother Natalie joined him. In-Home Respite Volunteers provide a break for caregivers once a week for 2-4 hours. This break allows a caregiver to take care of their own needs and gives them a change to re-charge. The added benefit for the family is that Ryan has also been a new friend to the child who is being cared for.
Ryan shares his time with FamilyMeans making the community stronger and is still able to become a new member of The National Honor Society. Ryan attends Stillwater High School and lives with his family in Afton, Minnesota
Ryan is an example for us all. Thank you!
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