February is Boost Self-Esteem Month!
February is associated with love, often by showing admiration to others. Yet, we challenge you to focus on showing yourself some love this month! Self-esteem is the “confidence in one’s own worth or abilities.” Self-esteem is felt on a continuum which can rise and fall throughout a lifetime. Many different aspects can affect one’s self-esteem—family upbringing, friend dynamics, education, daily situations, work, societal norms, social media, and one’s own inner dialogue. As humans, we tend to focus on the bad moments and de-value the good ones. This emphasis on the bad, can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
Before we go further, let us take a moment, right now, to stop and focus on yourself. For the next minute, tune out the world and all the noise. Breathe in and out. Perhaps close your eyes, if you feel comfortable. Ask yourself these questions: “How do I feel about me?”…“How is my self-esteem today?”…“How is my self-esteem overall?” Again, breathe in and out. As this minute comes to an end know that this is a self-check to gauge where you are at in the present moment. If you found it helpful, do this practice on a regular basis.
If you have moments of feeling lower self-esteem, you are not alone. Many of us experience low self-esteem at points throughout our lifetime. If you begin to notice feeling lower self-esteem most, or all of the time, counseling may help you increase positive feelings towards yourself. FamilyMeans clinicians are available to help.
Here are a few great tips for improving self-esteem or maintaining positive self-esteem. Give them a try today! Remember, we have to love ourselves first!