Since spring of 2020 our lives have been turned upside down. We are all faced with daily challenges that would have been unheard of just 12 short months ago. From social distancing and mask wearing, to virtual education and work - constantly changing conditions mean we need to be flexible, adjust, learn, and innovate to support ourselves and families during this time.
This ability to adapt to difficult situations is called resilience. We all can build on our resilience to help protect mental health for challenges that may arise, or help to support through current struggles. FamilyMeans Counseling & Therapy has created a 5 part video series that aims to teach you about resilience, provide practices to build up your resiliency, and focus on self-care. This series is great for youth, parents, teachers, and the general community.
Begin the series with an introduction to resilience, click the blue hyperlinks to jump to video chapters if you prefer.
00:39 - 06:30 Defining Resilience
06:31 - 13:43 Understanding Trauma
13:44 - 19:34 Responding to Trauma
19:35 - 25:58 Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
25:59 - 43:19 Practicing Self-Care
Looking for more support, or want to set-up a counseling session? Visit FamilyMeans.org
Presented by FamilyMeans Counseling & Therapy and supported by the Washington County Department of Public Health and Environment and the MN Local Public Health Grant