As I was deciding what to write for this month’s newsletter, all I could think about was the gratitude I have for so many people and things. This year has been the most challenging in every aspect imaginable. Our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health have been tested like never before. Yet I still find many things to be grateful for in my life.
My work as a clinical therapist has shown me that gratitude is powerful, and that expressing this thankfulness is important, now, more than ever before.
To all of our clients: thank you for entrusting your stories of struggle and perseverance with us. As clinicians we are honored to be a part of your journey, and to hold those struggles for and with you. Therapy is difficult. You have to be vulnerable, raw, and real with what you are working on. To all of you who ‘show up’ to do the difficult work I applaud you and support you. I am humbled every day to know how strong you truly are.
To the FamilyMeans clinical staff: thank you for supporting our clients through their challenges, and doing so with such compassion, empathy, and warmth. A lot is asked of you. This year has proved to be a challenge beyond challenges for you as you’ve had to process multiple events and circumstances beyond our control while also staying present and empathic with your clients. Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, with your clients and for our agency.
To our support staff: thank you for all the tireless hours of support you provide to our clients and staff. You make everything a bit easier for all of us. There have been many changes and new things to learn throughout the year but you’ve met those changes and continued to provide great support for all.
To the larger FamilyMeans family, colleagues, and board members: thank you for standing by the Counseling & Therapy team to ensure that individuals and families in our community receive the mental health support they need. It is an honor to call FamilyMeans my place of employment and to know all the meaningful work being provided to our community by all of our programs.
Even though we may have to gather differently this Thanksgiving season, I encourage everyone to take time to reflect on what you can be grateful for in your life. Share your gratitude with others. It is powerful, and helps to support your mental health. Thank you!
Erin Rowlson FamilyMeans Clinical Director