Before reading this, please take a moment, to check-in with your present experience. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and let it out, shift your weight from side to side, and scan your body from head to toe. What physical sensations do you notice in your body? How is your posture? What emotions are you holding? Do this practice throughout your day. Take a pause and check-in with your present experience.
During this uncertain time, many are noticing an increase in stress, tension, fear, worry, anxiety, loneliness, and grief. Others are noticing an opportunity to slow down, the gift of time to connect with those most important, to embrace what is, to be productive, and how Earth is healing. Welcome it all as part of the human experience.
GRATITUDE: Practice daily. Shift your mindset, look for the positives. Be of service. Be kind and patient.
MOVE YOUR BODY:Every day. More than 1x a day! Dance, walk, run, sports, yoga, any exercise.
LIMIT MEDIA: Check-in with reputable news sources 1-2x a day. Be informed, not obsessed!
CREATE ROUTINE: For you and your family. Write it down. Hold a schedule.
BE INTENTIONAL: Have daily goals. Write to do lists. Choose positive influences. Look for silver linings.
BE CREATIVE: Daily do art, crafts, make music, cook, bake, write, or journal.
GROUND/RELAX: Deep breath. Get outside. Take a salt bath. Exercise. Read. Hug. Laugh. Essential oils.
HOME BASE: Make home enjoyable. Tidy up. Create separate spaces for work and home school tasks.
BASIC NEEDS: Sleep more. Drink water. Eat foods rich in nutrients and low in sugar. Take supplements.
CONNECT: Daily check-in or connect with others. Neighbors, friends, family, and colleagues. Pray.
KIDS: Give direct, honest, and developmentally appropriate information. Answer questions. Validate.
Remember, this situation is temporary. Take it day-by-day. The Counseling & Therapy Team at FamilyMeans is here to support via tele-therapy. FamilyMeans is following the recommendations of the CDC and local authorities to maintain safety. Please join us in following those recommendations.
We are all in this together!
FamilyMeans Counseling & Thearpy has created a daily worksheet to help you thrive by intentionally focusing on the points listed above each day! Click the button below to view and print this worksheet!
Materials created by Cori Hildebrandt, LPC (WI), LPCC (MN)
FamilyMeans School-Based and Hudson Clinic Therapist