Save the Date for Better is Possible April 2, 2025
Respite Breaks for Caregivers

Respite Breaks for Caregivers

Oct 01, 2018

“Respite allows me to get some work done in our home while someone else sits with my mother. I have less stress once I get the work done which gives me more patience caring for my mother.”

There are approximately 43.5 million caregivers in the United States. On average, each caregiver is spending 21 or more hours per week providing care. Taking a break (respite) from caregiving is important. It strengthens your personal well-being so that you can better care for your loved one.

FamilyMeans provides support to you as you care for a child or adult who has a chronic illness, disability or frailty by providing regular respite. These breaks from caregiving;

  • Give caregivers time to themselves, assured that the person they care for is comfortable  and safe 
  • Provide non-medical companionship, supervision and a friendly new face
  • Help caregivers and care receivers enjoy connecting with others

In Home RespiteIn-Home Respite:

Regularly scheduled visits are provided at your home by volunteers who are screened, trained and carefully matched and monitored to meet your family's needs. It is typical for the volunteer to come weekly for 2-4 hours.


Group Respite:

Caregivers of older adults can also have a break while the person they care for spends time with FamilyMeans staff and volunteers in a group setting.

Caregiver Support Day OutDay Out!

Participants enjoy group discussions, creative projects, music, exercise, games and fun. Volunteers provide personalized attention to each participant. Every Friday, 10am – 2pm, in Stillwater.


Saturday ConnectionsSaturday Connections

Caregivers and the person they care for enjoy time together, connect with others and share a family-style lunch. Caregivers take a break from their normal routine while FamilyMeans staff and volunteers manage all the details. Second Saturday of each month, 10am – 1pm, in Lake Elmo.

FamilyMeans Caregiving & Aging staff would love to connect with you to discuss respite options or other services that might help. Please connect with us at 651-439-4840. 

Funded under contract with the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, Inc. as part of the Older Americans Act Program.
