Join us in November for National Family Caregivers Month

Join us in November for National Family Caregivers Month

Nov 06, 2013

Caregiver Support, FamilyMeans Events, National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month, and a perfect time to engage with FamilyMeans.

National Family Caregivers Month is every Novemeber. It is an opportunity to educate ourselves about the need for support for our aging population, the reality of caregivers providing support for loved ones, and what the community can do to support both the care receiver and the care provider.

All throughout the month, FamilyMeans is sponsoring several events in honor of National Family Caregivers Month. From education, resource providing, support groups, our Day Out! activities, and much more, FamilyMeans has several opportunities to help people both learn and engage in family caregiving.

Below are just some of the events occuring at FamilyMeans this month. To see our full list of events, view our entire calendar:

Day Out! Programs

Every Friday at FamilyMeans' Stillwater location, the Day Out! program offers a brief respite opportunity for care providers. Offering a variety of opportunities like creative projects, music, exercise, games, and much more, it's a wonderful time to have care receivers interact with others, as well. In November during National Family Caregivers Month, we will have the opportunity to offer four special Day Out! events. Join us for all of them!

Caregiver Support & Education Group

Join Geriatricians from Stillwater Medical Group and FamilyMeans Caregiver Support Social Workers in a caregiver support and education group. The group meets during the first Wednesday of every month in Stillwater. A great opportunity to meet and share with other caregivers in the area.

Helping Older Adults Stay in Their Home

FamilyMeans will host a panel on November 19 for National Family Caregivers Month to discuss on how families and the community can help older adults remain in their homes. Covering topics such as community-based service options to explore, trends in aging populations, and more, the panel is open to the public. We hope you'll join us!

We hope you'll join us for all the caregiver events during the National Family Caregivers Month. For questions, contact us today.