2013 Wine Tasting Gathers Supporters of FamilyMeans in Stillwater Area
Aug 19, 2013
FamilyMeans Wine Tasting Event, Stillwater Minnesota Events, Volunteers
It was on a perfect summer's night that supporters of all kinds gathered north of Stillwater, Minnesota to enjoy a night with others sampling some local wines and brews from the Stillwater area.
Members of FamilyMeans' "Next Gen" group helped put the event together which brought people from all walks of life. Their attendance (plus a generous matched gift) helped raise over $4,000 to support a FamilyMeans program called "Angel Fund."
The Angel Fund is a fund our youth program staff use to cover program costs including activities, athletic fees, and much more. Jaime Staska, the Youth Program Director at our Cimarron, Minnesota location, shared her apreciate for the support. “Having the Angel Fund available to be flexible in the way we support our youth is invaluable. At a time when we may ask 'Where is this money going to come from?', the Angel Fund is the answer. It has helped us be able to keep valuable programming, help meet kids' individual needs, and support them unconditionally.”
In addition to our wonderful individual supports, local community businesses also came together to show their support for FamilyMeans' programs. We want to give a speical thanks to the follow vineyards and brewery related companies that helpedto make the night so special:
- American Sky Brewery
- Mike and Ted Clark (Home Beer Brewery Masters!)
- Kowalski's
- Lake Elmo Wine Company
- St. Croix Vineyards
- Village Wine and Spirits
A special thanks also goes out to Northern Vineyards for donating prizes to the event.
See more photos on our Facebook page.