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Prepare for the St. Croix Garden Tour with a QR Code Reader

Prepare for the St. Croix Garden Tour with a QR Code Reader

Jul 10, 2013

St. Croix Garden Tour, FamilyMeans Events

FamilyMeans has a couple of tech savvy surprises prepared for St. Croix Garden Tour guests this weekend, and we want to make sure you don't miss out on taking advantage of them!

On top of the Garden Tour social media conversation you can follow by using the hashtag #FMGT13 this weekend, we are also providing more in depth information at gardens and agency. Through the use of QR Codes (a two-dimensional bar code), we will have opportunities for guests to scan these items on their smart phones or tablets to learn more about garden features and hear special messages form FamilyMeans staff.

To use the QR Codes, you need to make sure you have a QR Code reader downloaded onto your mobile device already. While FamilyMeans does not endorse any specific QR Code application, there are several readily available in various app stores for Apple, Android, or other technology devices. Once downloaded, users can open the application, point their device at the FamilyMeans QR Code, and the application will bring you to the St. Croix Garden Tour's unique content by reading the code.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the experience and hope you'll be able to learn a little bit more about both the gardens on tour, as well as FamilyMeans. And remember, if you haven't bought your St. Croix Garden Tour tickets yet, remember to do so before Saturday in order to get a $5 discount!

We'll see you Saturday!